Energetic Services

With Kate Cook

Intuitive Energetic Healer + Expansion Coach

Energetic Clearing Intensive

With this service we can look at any of the following energies: General, Inner Child, Trauma, Relationships, or around an aspect of your life

Once we identify which version of your energy is impacting you the most - we will dive into 3 different energetic systems to figure out what's blocked, and go over how those blockages are affecting you.

After that, we will do a deeper dive into the energy, determine how it's all connected and why those blockages are there in the first place, then release the energetic attachment to what's creating them to restore balance to your system.

Soul Expansion Intensive

This service looks at your soul as a whole.

We dive into your souls energy to figure out what TF is keeping you from your next level and why TF it's there.

We look at the your souls energy as a whole then dive into the few lifetimes that are creating majority of the energetic gunk.

Through energy work we facilitate a shift of all stuff that no longer serves you including karmic/soul ties, karmic contracts and soul vows.

After we get rid of whatever needs to go, we bring any new energetic upgrades or codes that are in alignment with your next level(s).

Additional Energetic Services

  • This session is entirely remote.

    I will be checking 3 different energy systems (Chakra, Aura & Meridian) for any blockages. I will then use a combination of Reiki and Crystal Healing to restore balance and promote proper energy flow.

    After the energy work is finished, I will email an overview any imbalances and how they typically manifest as well as any recommendations that I may have.

    Schedule a Basic Energetic Clearing

  • Do you ever just feel STUCK AF when trying to make a decision?

    You've done the pro-con list but you still are struggling to decide?

    Then this is for you.

    In this session, we will dive into the energy of the two different choices and determine what energy, limiting beliefs, fears, triggers, etc is holding you back on either side.

    This will assist you in making the best possible decision for yourself out of a place of alignment rather than fear, scarcity, judgement, etc etc etc.

    Schedule your This or That Energetic Clearing + Cord Cutting Session

  • In this session, we do a deep dive into the energy that was passed onto you from the generations that came before you.

    We then clear, and release any attachments to any energy, limiting beliefs, or fears that no longer serves you. This session allows you to release the ancestral heaviness and fully embody your ancestral power.

    Schedule Your Generational Trauma Clearing + Cord Cutting Session

  • In this session I will be looking into the Akashic Records (your soul energy) and determining what is energetically contributing to the physical issue you're struggling with.

    I will then release any energy, contracts, karma, and quantum level memory negatively impacting your physical health.

    Due to the nature of this session, and the depth of the work I suggest booking 1 session per physical issue because what's causing something like your migraines as an example may be entirely different than what's causing IBS or Back Pain.

    This session is entirely remote, and will be performed at the selected time. There's no "wrong way" to receive this healing & you do not have to be resting during this time.

    Schedule a Quantum Cellular Reset